The most important part of these rewards is that Guardians the enjoy PvP can now earn Masterwork materials while they play their favorite playlist. Bungie built out Lord Shaxx’s rewards to make the time you spend in the Crucible worth your while. Maxing out your Valor ranks isn’t terribly difficult, but it can take a lot of time to do. The full list of Valor rank rewards is below, as well as what you can expect after resetting your Valor. We’ll cover that in greater detail in the farming valor section.Įarning enough Valor to increase your rank with Lord Shaxx will give you access to a wide range of rewards. Valor is awarded at the end of every match (win or lose) in the non-competitive Crucible playlists (Control, Mayhem, Momentum Control, etc.) and the number of points you get depends on a couple of factors.
The only time that your Crucible reputation will go down is when you reset it. The great thing about the Valor system is that you can only gain Valor points. Starting in season 15 you’ll need to earn 10,000 Valor points to reach rank 16 and to be able to reset your rank before the season ends. However, they also tweaked the rate that Guardians can farm Valor so it’ll take roughly the same amount of time to max out as it did before. One of the major changes to the Crucible’s reputation system is that Bungie significantly reduced how many points Guardians need in order to max out and reset their Valor ranks.
There are 16 total Crucible ranks that are split into 6 divisions with 3 sub-ranks a piece. If you’re planning on resetting your Valor in a single season, you need to know what you’re getting into.